Does whether you are right-handed or left-handed matter when it comes to playing finger cymbals?
Should every pattern start with your right hand and then alternate? What if you’re a lefty?
Have you ever notated a pattern R R RLR R RLR, and then got home and had no idea how to play it?
These questions are ones that confuse a lot of dancers when it comes to playing their finger cymbals.
Get a rock-solid foundation for your finger cymbals practice so you can feel confident and competent on the dance floor. Join me free “ZillStar” course now and become the zillstar you are meant to be!
Believe it or not, there was a time in the history of our art form when hand patterns were mandated by teachers, and only certain methods of playing were allowed.
Though this is changing, there still remains a lot of confusion as to which hand to use at what point within a finger cymbal pattern.
In this video I am here to demystify the best way to pattern your hands when playing the finger cymbals and to call total BS on hard and fast rules that require everyone to play the same way.
So whether you are right-handed, left-handed, or somewhere in between this video will break down the ways you can choose to approach your zills so that you can find the best method for your practice.
Want to know the most common way that dancers play their zills? Cast your vote in my completely non-scientific poll inside the Zillicious online community here!
Get a rock-solid foundation for your finger cymbals practice so you can feel confident and competent on the dance floor. Join my free “ZillStar” course now and become the zillstar you are meant to be!