On Demand, In Person and Zoom classes available!
Sahira offers weekly classes in Houston, Texas and on-demand classes online through SahiraBellyDances.Teachable.com.
For on-demand classes in your home and your convenience visit SahiraBellyDances.Teachable.com. To register for weekly live classes please choose from the options below.
Weekly Live Classes
Monday | 10:30am Intermediate in Person @ Galleria Area
Wednesday | 6:30pm Beginner in Person @ Luxury Occasions Event Hall 7636 Harwin Drive Suite A115
Wednesday | 7:45pm Intermediate in Person @ Luxury Occasions Event Hall 7636 Harwin Drive Suite A115
Saturday | 10:00am Mixed Level on Zoom (check Punchpass for upcoming dates)
WEDNESDAYS 6:30-7:30pm CST
Drop-In $18 | 4-class pack $64 ($16 each) | 8-class pack $112 ($14 each)
Drop-In $18 | 4-class pack $64 ($16 each) | 8-class pack $112 ($14 each)
Luxury Occasions Event Hall 7636 Harwin Drive Suite A115; Houston, Texas 77036
Pre-registration recommended.
Contact Sahira at (919) 727-9081 or contact[at]sahirabellydances.com for additional information or assistance.
Find increased confidence, grace and health through the ancient art of belly dance! In this beginner class you will dive into the foundational technique of this folkloric dance form and learn a bit about the culture and history of the dance. In every class we will break down the basic isolations used and then put them together to create graceful and exciting movements to music. We will also work with finger cymbals on a regular basis. There will be sets available to borrow until you purchase your first set. (I highly recommend the Arabesque or Nefertiti from Saroyan Mastercrafts: SahiraBellyDances.com/SaroyanCymbals )
Twice a year we will learn a new choreography to perform at our student showcase in June and December.
SATURDAYS 10:00am-11:00am central on Zoom and in person
$18 drop in
Contact Sahira at (919) 727-9081 or contact[at]sahirabellydances.com for additional information or assistance. The Zoom class is held periodically in 4-week, one-hour sessions or as a single 2 hour specialty workshop. The current schedule can be found here.
MONDAYS 10:30-11:30am CST – Galleria Area
Drop-In $18 | 4-class pack $64 ($16 each) | 8-class pack $112 ($14 each)
Drop-In $18 | 4-class pack $64 ($16 each) | 8-class pack $112 ($14 each)
Contact Sahira at (919) 727-9081 or contact@sahirabellydances.com for address and additional information.
Learn the expressive art of Belly Dance while getting a great low impact workout! This is a multi Level class that will go beyond belly dance basics with layering of arms, traveling, and shimmies, as well as combinations and choreography! Some classes will incorporate finger cymbals (zills), so please bring them to class. This class is open to those with at least two years of belly dance experience. Please contact Sahira for more information.
WEDNESDAYS 7:45-9:00pm CST
Drop-In $20 | 4-class pack $72 ($18 each) | 8-class pack $128 ($16 each)
Drop-In $20 | 4-class pack $72 ($18 each) | 8-class pack $128 ($16 each)
Luxury Occasions Event Hall 7636 Harwin Drive Suite A115; Houston, Texas 77036
Pre-registration is encouraged.
The Intermediate class is for students with at least two years of belly dance experience. If you are new to my classes, please reach out to me at contact@sahirabellydances.com or call me at (919) 727-9081 so we can connect before your first class.
Find increased confidence, grace and health through the ancient art of belly dance!
This intermediate technique and choreography class for the experienced and dedicated dancer. Each class will contain a more intense warm-up followed by drills before moving on to more advanced combination concepts and choreography. Traveling combinations, intermediate zill work as well as props will be included in this class.
Twice a year we will learn a new choreography to perform at our student showcase in June and December.
(by instructor invitation only)
WEDNESDAYS 9:00-9:30pm CST
Want to perform? Contact Sahira at (919) 727-9081 or contact[at]sahirabellydances.com
Want to perform? Contact Sahira at (919) 727-9081 or contact[at]sahirabellydances.com
This half-hour will be reserved for Intermediate dancers interested in performing outside of the student showcases. Shimmy Babies have performed at Migrations Festival in Austin, Gulf Coast Raks, Crimson Vagabond, and the Houston Egyptian Festival. This rehearsal will occur based on necessity and may not be every week.