Beginner Belly Dance Combo with Zills Part 2 – The Dance

Here it is! Part 2 in our two-part series that shows you everything you need to put together a fun beginner belly dance combination with finger cymbals!


In this video I will teach you a simple belly dance combination step-by-step from the ground up. I will walk you through the technique you need to create this sassy little combo and then show you how it fits with the finger cymbals we learned in the first video of the series. We will walk the combination together with the finger cymbals slowly and then with music, giving you a fabulous little dance you can add to your belly dance repertoire right now!



I invite you to take this tutorial to your own level of challenge. If it’s too difficult right now, slow it way down (you can do that by clicking the little gear on the video) and try it like that. If it’s not challenging enough, I invite you to try adding multiple sounds to the zill riff.

Whatever you do with it, I would love to see! Take a practice video and send it along, or tag me on social media.


[Here is part 1 – The Zills in case you missed it.]




A HUGE thank you to the amazing Miss Thea for use of her music! Music – Electro Belly Funk by Miss Thea 


Like the finger cymbals I’m playing in this video? Get your very own set here: Zills Ghawazee in Bronze 




And if you like this kind of finger cymbal tutorial, you are going to LOVE my FREE finger cymbal jumpstart course. Get the solid foundation you need to become the zillstar you are meant to be! Join me here:

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