Beginner Belly Dance Combination with Zills
I am super excited to share with you this two-part video series!
If you have been wanting to put finger cymbals to your dance or have been standing by the sidelines wondering how it’s done, now is the time to jump in and take action!
In this video I am going to walk you step-by-step through a beginner finger cymbal combination. We are going to use a simple pattern and I will show you how you can make even this basic pattern interesting and engaging without making it more complicated.
Then, next week I will teach you a sweet little bellydance combination to pair with the finger cymbals you learn today so you can be dancing and zilling at the same time like a pro!
Then grab your zills and let’s get started!
If you like this video that you are going to LOVE my FREE finger cymbal jumpstart course. Get the solid foundation you need to become the Zillstar you are meant to be. Get it here: