Top 10 Moves that Every Belly Dancer Must Know | The Hip Bump

There are so many beautiful movements in the belly dancers vocabulary and we can spend a lifetime diving into the beauty and nuance of this incredible folkloric dance. (That’s totally where I am right about now!)

Within this vast treasure chest of movement are a handful of totally iconic moves that are the total “must-haves” for any belly dancer learning this art form. And this, my friends, is one of those moves.

In today’s video we are going to take a good look at the Hip Bump, an incredibly versatile movement that you will see just about anytime a belly dancer performs.

I will take you through the best way to create this movement in a strong, graceful and body safe manner, all the while building strength, fluidity and grace in your body.

Are you ready to learn this must have belly dance move and starting rockin the dance floor?

Let’s do it!


Stay tuned for more of the Top 10 moves that every belly dancer must know series.

In the meantime, are you ready to build on what you’ve learned here? Join me online and get ten free on-demand belly dance classes to help you take your technique and creativity to the next level!


Extra special thanks to the amazing Miss Thea for the use of her music in this video. You can get the entire awesome album online at :

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