#30toThrive | Finding your silver lining

In this time of required social distancing, we need our online communities more than ever! That’s why I’m joining you live weekly to connect, share stories of inspiration and explore concrete ways to find grounding, meaning and even joy in these strange times.

We have all heard of the “silver lining” that every dark cloud supposedly has. This is the ray of hope, or the flip side of the coin … something positive to focus on that can keep us moving through the storm.

Today we explore: Finding your silver lining. I will share a few things that have become my silver lining in the quarantine cloud and then I will go on to share stories from my students and my followers in hopes to inspire you to discover a silver lining (or two) of your own.

And then, because moving our bodies every day is so very important, we will end with a finger cymbal lesson to help you move your way through fear and sadness into a place of joy!


Join me weekly for a dose of inspiration and dance. Tuesday @ 2pm CST on Instagram Saturday @ 7pm CST on Facebook @SahiraBellyDances Schedule subject to change. Follow me on these platforms for the most up to date information.

** recorded from Instagram live on May 5, 2020

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