Test your shimmy knowledge and you can win big!
Shimmies are like an unending sparkly treasure chest – the more you dig into and explore them the more variations you find.
So much of the beauty of the shimmy lies in its infinite variations and textures. The more we understand and practice developing these variations the better our shimmies will serve us when we are ready to interpret the music and dance.
So today I bring you a fun little quiz – a video compilation I’ve made using some of my favorite shimmies and their many textures.
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to count HOW MANY shimmies I’m performing in this short one-minute video.
(Every variation counts as a shimmy.)
Think you are up for the task?
Guess correctly and you will be ENTERED TO WIN my brand new Sensational Shimmy Intensive – an entire course chocked full of shimmy breakdowns, drills and workouts – to be released next week!
Ready? Set. Shimmy!
To officially enter to win, post below AND send your guess via email to me at sahira[at]sahirabellydances.com. You must do both to win.
Entries must be received by midnight CST on Monday August 17th. A winner will be chosen and announced on August 18th. (Entering will add you to my mailing list so you are the first to know when the course releases next week and if you won the giveaway. You can unsubscribe at any time.)
Thanks to the fabulous David Macejka for his fabulous music!
I counted 19 variations of shimmies
Got your entry! Be sure to email me your guess at sahira[at]sahirabellydances.com too please! I’ll be announcing the answer and the winner on Tuesday – so stay tuned and keep shimmying!