Learn the choreography “Princess of Cairo” with Sahira in this special intensive course!

Oh my gosh I am so super excited about sharing with you this brand new choreography intensive. Eight weeks of dance adventure all wrapped around one of my favorite choreographies of all time.

This choreography is a treasure chest of belly dance texture and feeling. The music will take you on an incredible journey from a gorgeous veil entrance to a slow and sultry opening, a lighter-than-air section in 6/8 into a furious crescendo of energy to the end. There is so much space in this piece for variation in dynamics and emotions and we will explore and take the journey together step-by-step.

http://SahiraBellyDances.com/Princess (link in bio)

This online real-time hybrid format behind this course is designed with the “flipped classroom” methodology being used in many top universities and institutes of learning. Within the course I will be offering the recorded content at the beginning of each week for you to work through and review as many times as you would like. At the end of each week we will have a 30-45 minute live class on Zoom to work through questions and dance the material together. In additon to the recorded and live class content we will have a private Facebook group for ongoing connection and questions.

The online real-time hybrid format also not only ensures that you will take the time to access and actually use the course you’ve purchased, it will give you the opportunity to dive deeper with me by your side as you learn.

Learn more about how the course works and reserve your spot now!


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