I wasn’t going to share this with you…

I had a wonderful conversation yesterday with a friend and dancer who has been a figure in the Houston dance community for many years. She took me on a trip down memory lane that had me missing the old days of being a new dancer at Sirrom School of Dance, doing my first student troupe shows and finally getting onstage for my very first solo performance.

Those were beautiful days and I have many fond memories of all my dance mamas who held my hand and supported me in those early years.

I’ve had a video of my very first solo performance on video tape for about 20 years… and I recently digitized it, but decided I could never imagine sharing it with anyone.

But all that reminiscing has made me nostalgic.

So here it is. My very first solo performance ever… to a live Greek band in Houston at a restaurant called “Opas”. The restaurant is long gone, but this amazing band is the same band I was performing with at Alexander the Great just a few years ago.

While I wouldn’t say this performance is anything to write home about, it was a transformative moment in my life. The insane nervousness and fear I felt before going on that stage melted away as I danced with those magical musicians. This moment made me decide that belly dance was the place for me.

And I’ve never looked back.

An enormous thank you to my Mama Thalia for putting me on stage that night. (It was a risky move and I cannot thank her enough!) Thank you to Tassos and the band for nurturing me as a dancer through 15 amazing years.

This is where the magic began.

Ok… here goes nothing. (Eek!)


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  • Judy Schulman May 26, 2022   Reply →

    Thank you so much for sharing this video with me. You did amazing , danced so beautifully, were so poise. Would never have guessed it was a 1st performance in front of a live band. ( NOT IN COSTUME), I danced with a few dancers a quick moment at a Hafla in NY at Morocco’s Home Studio with the live band called Eddie the Sheik Kochak & also at a Hafla in NY or Brooklyn (?) Morocco & other performers in a small middle eastern restaurant in the late 1970’s . Saw Eddie a few times. My 1st solo performances was at a nursing home, & 2nd was at an outdoor middle eastern festival under a tent using Cd music. That was my 1st experience dancing solo in front of a live audience. Have a video from long ago. I attended the Belly Dance Masters in 2017 in Orlando fl when I first saw Silvia perform with many amazing dancers. That’s what made me want to take her sword dance workshop & another Masters showcase. I will look into your Zills lessons. Thank you for thinking of me. You have inspired me & appreciate you taking the time to reach out. This has been helpful to getting back into what I have been missing.

    • sahiracc May 27, 2022   Reply →

      Judy! Wow! I love your story… with Eddie the Sheik Kochak? That’s amazing! Do you have any video of that momentous occasion? I would love to see it! 😊

  • Vanessa May 26, 2022   Reply →

    I think that was a perfectly beautiful dance. And you misjudge you younger self. There is beauty in simplicity.

    • sahiracc May 27, 2022   Reply →

      Thank you so much! I appreciate you. 😊

  • Mary Jane May 26, 2022   Reply →

    💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Love it!!

  • Just another Internet person May 27, 2022   Reply →

    Never would guess that was your first solo – so confident and professional, as always 🙂

    My only gripe is the part where they started sticking money in your belt. If you’re OK with it, you do you, but it’s just so cringey to me. Just feels so disrespectful and stripper-y. I feel like it’s a big part of the reason belly dance is stigmatized and oversexualized.

    It’s probably more because I’m just such a crappy dancer I can’t imagine anyone wanting to give me money for it… Maybe to get me off the stage faster, LOL

    • sahiracc May 27, 2022   Reply →

      Receiving tips in the belt was very much the tradition here in Houston for many years – and it still continues to this day. (I think you may see that even my teacher tips me!) That being said, I stopped accepting tips there and started wearing an arm band in 2009. I prefer this method now, but it really cut down on the tip income I received! 😝

  • Anouk May 27, 2022   Reply →

    Beautiful dancing

  • Faya May 28, 2022   Reply →

    Wow! Such an amazing performance. Thank you for sharing such a precious moment in your journey with me.

    • sahiracc July 5, 2022   Reply →

      Thank You for being a part of my online belly dance family! I appreciate you!

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