How do you track your dance practice for maximum success? [Free downloadable resource inside!]
How do you track your progress in dance? If you’re like most dancers, you kind of… don’t.
Maybe you go through phases in your practice where you go really hard, get inspired or motivated, practice a ton and then kind of burn out when you don’t see the progress you were hoping for. Frustrated, you switch focuses or hit one of those lows where you just don’t practice.
As a result you find yourself no closer to your goal than when you started, and probably feeling pretty crummy, which is never where you want to be with your dance practice.
I want to let you in on a little secret. One of the reasons you have these highs and lows in your practice is because you’re not tracking your progress.
“But how do I track progress in something like belly dance?” (I can hear you asking.) I’m so glad you asked! ? Here’s the tool that is going to show you exactly how to do it.
This new guide by the Belly Dance Bundle takes you through some different ways that you might be able to track your practice, has you set some goals, and then has a 30 day fillable tracker that you can use while you’re practicing! Download it now, and begin to track and see your progress in brand new and fabulous ways!
I’ve already downloaded mine and am blown away by the incredible suggestions inside. This is totally going to revolutionize your practice, fabulous dancer. I can’t wait to see what you do!