Get Into the Groove

Perhaps you’ve been teaching movement classes for a while now, or maybe you are new and just getting accustomed to the feeling of having all student’s eyes on you. Either way, putting yourself out there as an expert in your field in front of dozens of students every week can be a daunting experience.

* Why would anyone want to study with YOU when there are so many other people out there just as qualified to be teaching (or more!)?

* Who are YOU to claim to know enough to be able to lead a classroom of people?

* What if you’re not good enough/strong enough/graceful enough/organized enough to keep your classes going week after week?

Does any of this sound familiar?

I have news for you…


Even the biggest names in your field were unsure to begin with and almost everyone has experienced imposter syndrome at some point in time. It’s ok and totally natural to feel unsure and worried that you don’t have what it takes.

Please don’t let that hold you back from offering your talents to the world!

I’m here to tell you that what you have to offer is unique and wonderful and important for your students and they are depending on YOU to get out there and share your talents with them and with the world!

Not sure you have what it takes? Then this is the course for you. I invite you to join me as we explore ways to “Get Into the Groove”.

We will discuss how to tackle imposter syndrome and build confidence for your classes (and your daily life!) We will work through a series of concrete exercises, both physical and written to help you tease out exactly what you are worried about, why you are worried about it, and what it means for you and your classes. We will explore class organization and 5 habits of highly successful instructors that you can easily incorporate into how you create and organize your classes today.

In the end, the goal is to get you pumped up and excited about this amazing gift you have to offer the world and help you find a place of flow and groove that you can come back to week after week in order to create incredible movement classes that will keep your students engaged and joyful and you feeling positive and confident about your work.

I look forward to helping you overcome insecurity, find flow and get into your groove in the movement teaching world!

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