Free Belly Dance Tutorial – Advanced Shimmy Layer Drill
I get a lot of questions every day about belly dance, finger cymbals and how best to learn and master the concepts within. The most common question by far, though, is most definitely about creating and sustaining a strong and delicious shimmy layer.
The shimmy was totally my kryptonite for about the first twelve years of my dance. Mediocre at best, I was tormented by uneven, unreliable shimmies that started and stopped on their own and never felt comfortable or within my control.
Fast-forward several years and many hours of practice later and I finally own a shimmy I am proud to call my own. Relaxed, juicy and beautiful (as well as reliable!) I no longer approach shimmy layers with hesitation and fear.
Today I would like to share with you a fabulous exercise designed to help you strengthen your shimmy layering technique. By drilling the Egyptian and Hip Shimmy through a variety of basic belly dance movements you can train your body to create seamless shimmies no matter where your weight lies – which is the secret to strong and effortless shimmy layers.
Are you ready to dive in and create a scintillating shimmy you love?
Let’s do it!
If you enjoyed this video then you are going to LOVE this FREE 7-day Belly Dance Jumpstart. Seven days of short and sweet tutorials delivered to your inbox to help infuse your days with movement, creativity and joy! Perfect for anyone interested in learning or reviewing the foundations of this beautiful dance form.
Special thanks to Rom Ryan and Moodafaruka for the music used in this video. Learn more about them and support them online at