How to not just survive, but THRIVE in times of great uncertainty
Dealing with a disrupted normal? Not sure what to do?
In the midst of cancelled events, postponed public gatherings and school closures, it’s easy to start to feel a little lost and maybe even a bit panicked.
✨You are not in this alone.
Let’s talk strategies. Some scientifically-tested and a few simply mother-approved ways to not only keep your sanity but find connection and joy in this sometimes unpredictable world.
Here are the time stamps for the important details of the recording so you can jump right to the good stuff!
14:00 – Know that you are not alone
Research shows that when we expand our focus to others we feel less overwhelm, less depression and more compassion and connection. This connection to a greater whole can make everything feel much more manageable.
19:00 – Find your new routine.
Happiness research has discovered that the human mind needs certainty and uncertainty to thrive. Right now we have a lot of uncertainty, so finding balance by creating certainty will go a long way towards keeping you happy and thriving right now. Children and adults crave routine to give meaning and order to our days.
31:30 – Controlled novelty
Finding a way to mix things up in a safe and controlled way can create a much-needed distraction and focus during these next several weeks.
41:30 – Get to those things you never have time for
What projects around the house have you been wanting to do but never seem to have the time to tackle? Now is the time!
45:00 – Remain connected with family and friends
Physical isolation does not have to mean social and emotional isolation. Plan regular video chats with family and friends. Video is especially good for allowing you to feel more deeply connected to and understood by the people you are talking to.
50:30 – Focus on what you DO have, not on what you DON’T
Our reality is very directed by our focus and what we focus on we manifest more of in our lives. Focus on the good to fill your days with more positivity.
58:00 – Keep moving
Turn off the TV, put down your phone and find time to MOVE! Our emotions are inextricably tied to our motion and moving is the fastest way to change your emotional state.
1:01 – Here are a few little gifts for you! The mother/daughter class package:
1:06 Another gift for you! And an entire month of dance for $19 (discount available until Thursday March 19th)
Tell me, what lifts you up and brings you joy? What are you going to focus on in the coming weeks? What kind of controlled novelty are you going to create in your life? A fun project, a new skill or creative time with the family all goes a long way to making these days more enjoyable for everyone.
And an entire month of dance for $19 (discount available until Thursday March 19th)
The mother/daughter class package: