To Zill Or Not To Zill

To zill or not to zill? That is the question.

Today I’m asking YOU if you’ve decided whether ’tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of consistent zill practice. Or more simply, whether you’ve chosen to play them and why or why not.

Finger cymbals have been around for a very long time (over 5,000 years in fact) and have even been found in tombs in the Middle East they are that important. They have a long history of usage in belly dance from the Ghawazee of Egypt to the beginnings of the American Cabaret scene here in the US when they were pretty much required and every dancer played zills while dancing and then in between sets with the band.

So why have the finger cymbals seemed to have gone out of vogue a bit in the past decade?

I invite you to weigh in on this topic and share with me your zill story.


Learn a bit about the history of this ancient instrument and it’s usage in our dance, explore a few reasons why some dancers may choose not to use them and a few reasons why we all should take the time to get to know them.



Do you play the zills? If so, how did you get started? If not, why not? I want to hear from you!

Share your zill story and let’s continue the conversation. Who knows what fabulous place it may take us!


Ready to tackle the finger cymbals and become the ZillStar you were born to be?  I invite you to join me for my in depth beginner zill package that will give you the foundation you need to start confidently zilling today.


Episode 4 Video Transcription – To zill or not to zill

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