Day 10 – This deal will make you leap out of your seat!

This is the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS from me to you!

A new gift, discount, or giveaway for you everyday for twelve days (from December 11 until the 23rd to be exact).

Sign up for my mailing list to be the first to receive your gift each day. Mailing list members will also receive additional perks and deeper discounts on 12 Days gifts.

Most gifts will be available for 48 hours only before they disappear up the chimney – so don’t delay.



Twelve sparkly months of belly dance from me to you!  It’s my Rhinestone Subscription – my online studio professional plan that gives you unlimited access to EVERYTHING that I have personally created on my Teachable studio!  

What does this include?

The 16 Sahira Belly Dance courses already available on my studio. (

In January, the release of a few archive choreographies : “Hypnotizing Hips Drum Solo”, “Mejanse Choreography”, “Princess of Cairo”, and “Taqsim Baladi”.

In January the premiere of new releases “Saidi Cane Dance” and the Combography “Whatever Lola Wants”.

In February a hot little number you can learn in just one hour and debut for your Valentine!

And (tabla roll please!) in the Spring of 2019 my first two Teachable Exclusive Workshop Intensives:

Choreography Workshop – The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of Choreography Creation for Belly Dancers. A 6-week real-time workshop style course that will result in a brand new master-planned choreography that you have created yourself!

Zill Jumpstart Workshop – Creating Unshakable Finger Cymbal Technique for the Zill Shy Among Us. A 4-week interactive course that will result in massively increased confidence with those funny little metal discs strapped to the ends of your fingers.

An addition to all this, you will INSTANTLY have access to EVERYTHING I personally release in 2019 as soon as it’s available! No more having to choose what to purchase.


The Rhinestone Package is currently priced at $30 per month.  For the next 48 hours the yearly subscription (one-time payment) is $250 (a savings of $110).

Happy holidays!


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