Zill Hero Interview | Dawn Devine
Meet my zill hero – Dawn Devine.
Dawn literally wrote the book on finger cymbals and is a vertiable treasure chest of finger cymbal knowlegde.
In this conversation she shares some amazing information about this history of zills, the oldest connection we have to our ancestors in dance. She will take you on a deep dive into how finger cymbals have been made throughout history and what comprises the most popular styles we see today. We talk about how to chose your first (or next) set of zills and how to care for them so they last you a lifetime.
So please enjoy this special Zill Hero interview!
And then let me know – are you feeling inspired?
Connect with and learn more from Dawn online here:
Feeling inspired? Check out my absolutely favorite zills on the planet here:
And then grab your free zill jumpstart course to get you up and playing today!