These five secrets transformed the way I create choreography!
Have you ever tried to create your own dance choreography?
How did it go?
If you are like many dancers, the choreography creation process can quickly and easily become an effort in frustration. I’ve been there and I get it.
Many years ago I attempted to create my first dance choreography and I’ve gotta tell you that after three months of trying and about 20 seconds of actual choreography created, I gave up.
Fast forward about 20 years and I have since refined the creation process and have made over 100 different dynamic choreographies for myself and my students. I would love to share that process with you!
➡️ Join me for my FREE masterclass ⬅️
5 Choreography Creation Secrets… that will demystify the process and allow you to confidently create choreography.
Three dates to choose from:
April 5th @ 7pm CST
April 6th @ 12pm CST
April 11th @ 8pm CST
Snag your spot today at