Brand New Acapella Zill Performance! Can you guess how many different pairs of cymbals are used?
I’m so excited to share with you my newest acapella zill composition, created for the incredible Mojo Flow Online Dance Festival last month.
Since I knew this was going to be a recorded at-home performance I decided to play a little bit with the editing, and even figured out how to duet with myself to create more complex melodic ideas with the cymbals.
What do you think?
I used more than one pair of zill for this piece in order to take advantage of the incredible diversity of textures and tones available in this amazing instrument.
Can you guess how many different pairs of zills I’m using? Comment below and share your guess!
Want to learn to compose your own acapella zill symphonies? Start your adventure here with my free ZillStar Jumpstart course:
Already experienced with the finger cymbals and ready challenge yourself? Check out my exclusive zill membership course here: