Belly Dance Finger Cymbal Tutorial | The Importance of Multiple Sounds

Inquiring minds want to know…

How many sounds do you use with your finger cymbals?

And why does it matter?

The finger cymbals are a musical instrument (which makes YOU a musician!) And as such, your cymbals are capable of creating several sounds with different timbres and textures within each one.

However, when I see finger cymbals used in belly dance performances, nine times out of ten it’s going to be just one sound.

Why would we only ever use just one sound when they are capable of so much more? Honestly, using just one sound with the cymbals is a little like owning just one pair of shoes. Sure, you can get away with it, but why limit yourself where there is so much more fabulousness to be had, right?

Maybe you still aren’t convinced. And while I was let in on the secret of the importance of multiple zill sounds years ago, it wasn’t until I learned this one fact that I changed my zill playing for the better for good.

Want to know what I learned that tipped the scales and made me commit to better, more musical zilling in my belly dance life?

Check out this week’s video and I’ll give you the inside scoop!


If you are ready to take the plunge and take those musicals instruments on the tips of your fingers more seriously, I invite you to join me for my free finger cymbal jumpstart course aimed at giving you the foundation you need to become the rock star ziller you are meant to me.

Check it out here:


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