A little zill jam for you

So it appears that Instagram may not like me rocking out on my zills to Prince… bummer!  So I am reposting here in case you like to check it out.  This is part of the 21 Day Instagram Challenge that I am hosting RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT with the most amazing zill manufacturer on the planet – Saroyan Cymbals.  Check it out – it’s not too late to join in.  21 Days to build a new zill habit and become a better more confident ziller… and there are wonderful prizes to be won!


Here is the repost: 


Day 9 | #RakMyZills Challenge with Saroyan_Zills and @SahiraBellyDances

This week we tackle the question that plagues many a ziller … how do I decide WHAT to play on my zills once the music begins? ?⠀

Here are my top three answers. ⠀

You can play to:⠀
1. The tempo⠀
2. The rhythm⠀
3. The melody⠀
(There are certainly more options, but these are my favorite.)⠀

Today we discuss playing with the tempo and what that entails.⠀ ⠀

✨Your challenge: Pick a song – any song – and zill along to the beat. Now that we are a bit deeper into our challenge I invite you to move while you play, be it marking time with your feet, moving your arms, or all out dancing! (For inspiration visit @SahiraBellyDances)⠀


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