How to Belly Dance for Beginners over 40 – Lesson 1
I was having a conversation over text with a prospective student the other day, and she confided in me that she thought she might be too old to start learning, but she had always wanted to belly dance.
I didn’t ask her age (partially because you just don’t do that, and mostly because it really doesn’t matter) but she offered and told me she was 52.
Luckily it was a text message or she would have heard me laugh.
Little did she realize, but she’s the perfect age to learn to belly dance!
Think you need to be under 40 to learn to belly dance? Think again!
Belly Dance is a cultural dance that has been danced by people of all ages for many years.
Join the FREE Beginner Belly Dance Jumpstart and start moving with more confidence, grace and sensuality now:
Stop holding yourself back and dive into this beautiful art form that has brought confidence, grace, creativity, health, and sensuality to many women over 40 and beyond!
In fact – many of the most amazing dancers are women who have a lot of life experience, as these experiences help infuse your dance with a depth of emotion and understanding that is not so common in younger dancers.
In this video, you will learn the basics you need to get started on your belly dance journey if you are a beginner over 40.
We will talk about the importance of posture and muscle control and how these beautiful and sensual movements will not only get your heart pumping, but also benefit your strength, stability and flexibility – all of which are incredibly important as our bodies age.
Once you’ve gotten the basics here, you are ready to join me for my FREE 7-day beginner belly dance jumpstart. Put some sassy shimmy in your step and check it out here: