Sahira Performs a Ghawazee-Inspired Finger Cymbal Dance at The Amethyst Dance Festival


I will admit that this performance was a bit out of the ordinary for me.

When I was invited to teach at the Amethyst Dance Festival in Casa Grande, Arizona, the organizers confided that as they came back from pandemic closures and opened up their festival again they were looking for an instructor who could teach both modern Egyptian style and something more tribal or fusion in nature too.

I was totally their girl and super excited to be able to bring my range of dance styles and knowledge to their fabulous festival.

And since I was performing in the gala show, they asked if I could do a performance in each style as well.

As I began preparing my pieces for the show, I realized that the vast majority of all the fusion performing I’ve ever done has been with my tribal improv group Urban Hipsy…. I almost never perform the style alone.

Unfortunately my troupe wasn’t going to be there with me for the festival… so I had to come up with another plan.

So here’s what I did. ☺️

I learned most of this piece from the incredible National Folkloric Troupe of Egypt when they came to Houston about eight years ago. It is from their Ghawazee style showcase, and features finger cymbals (so of course I fell in love with it instantly!) I’ve changed it up a bit to fit this performance stage, but the inspiration and credit belongs to them for sure!

In the end I had SO MUCH FUN performing this style on my own. So keep a look out for more folkloric solos in the future!

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