FREE GUIDE! 📗 Making Time For Your Belly Dance Practice
What if I told you there is a super easy way to create between 5 and 60 minutes a day (or more!) to dedicate to your dance practice?
Would you believe me?
Here’s another question:
Do you feel like you have enough time to dedicate to your dance practice?
When I ask this question to dancers, pretty much everyone says no.
While we are all gifted 24 hours each day to create a life that we love, managing that time while negotiating all the other demands and activities in your schedule can be incredibly challenging.
And often times the activities in our day that are for US – dancing, singing, reading, walking in nature – get pushed to the bottom of our calendar and therefor never happen.
Sound familiar? You are not alone.
I’ve struggled with the same thing too… so much so that I used to joke with my family about planting more ‘thyme’ in our garden so I could get everything done. (PS. It didn’t work. 😝)
All jokes aside, I’m happy to report that since then I’ve spent some serious time studying productivity, essentialism and the science of happiness and I’ve learned many ways to take back my day and make more room for what I love most… like dance!
While there are big ways and changes you can make to your life to create massive amounts of time (imagine getting rid of your TV or finding a job that allows you to work from home) there are also hundreds of small and simple things you can do TODAY that will free up precious minutes for your dance practice.
I’ve compiled a list of my favorite easy time-creation methods into this free downloadable:
Making Time For Your Dance Practice: 12 Easy Ways to Create Time To Do What You Love Most.
Here’s one example from the guide. Multitask in your practice. Every single day I listen to educational audiobooks while doing stretching and strengthening exercises and you’ll often find me doing squats while I brush my teeth. I’ve also been known to watch online dance class videos while cooking (though don’t ask me about the mess I make when stirring the pot turns into traveling shimmies across the kitchen!)
I am so excited to share these ideas with you. These simple actions will help you free up anywhere from 5 to over 60 minutes in your day for whatever it is that fuels you most. You can download it for free now at:
So take two minutes to download it now and choose one thing you are going to try this week. And then drop me a line and let me know how it goes. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish with your newfound time!