Drills & Moves Technique – Egyptian Downs

I’ve been working up a new choreography for my students and found myself in class the other day walking them through one of my favorite movements – Egyptian Downs, or weighted hip downs.

This movement, however easy to understand in the brain, is definitely one that belongs in the “easier said than done” category. I attribute this to the fact that it’s pretty much the opposite of what we do when we walk (and we’ve been walking for quite a while now.) Do you know what I mean?

Check out this new technique video I created for you to see just what I’m talking about and discover a way to break down the movement that will make it much easier for you to wrap your muscles around!

Practice this for a while and you just might find that these counterintuitive downs may surpass their more upward sisters as your favorite variation of the move!


Are you ready to take your belly dance skills to the next level! Join me in my online studio now to snag a few free in-depth classes to get you started!



A huge thank you to the fabulous Miss Thea for the use of her music in this video. Grab her album (it’s fabulous!) online at https://missthea.bandcamp.com

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