Top 10 Moves That Every Belly Dancer Must Know – The Ommi



While it’s not a move I teach early on to my students, I totally put this move into the “top 10 moves that every belly dancer must know” category. It can sometimes be a bit challenging for newer dancers to execute, but I find that once you get it under your hip scarf it quickly becomes a go-to favorite.

I am talking about – THE OMMI.

This deliciously gooey interior hip circle gets your oblique and pelvic muscles moving in some fabulous ways. In this video I will take you through the movement step by step and show you how to make it as graceful and fluid as possible as we drill it to music.

Let’s dive in!

Continue your adventure and learn more moves that every belly dancer must know with my free beginner belly dance program here!

The music used in this video is Electroshimmy from Dreams of Egypt Music for Bellydance by the fabulous Miss Thea. Support her online at:

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