Start belly dancing NOW with this fabulous combination tutorial!
Attention all belly dance enthusiasts!
Learn a fabulous belly dance combination with ease and joy with this fun combination tutorial.
In this video I use my 2+ decades of experience teaching and performing belly dance to show you the most important things to focus on when learning this beautiful art form.
So whether you are new to the dance, or returning to the art form and ready for a short and sweet combination to get you moving today, you are in the right place!
In this video I will teach you step-by-step how to do THREE quintessential belly dance movements:
❃ The Hip Drop/Release
❃ The Grapevine
❃ Horizontal Figure 8 Hips
And then we will put these moves together into a fancy little combination that will have you up and belly dancing right away!
Are you ready to belly dance?
Let’s do it!
After this taste I know you are hungry for more and ready to dive deeper into the dance. (I like that in a dancer!) Grab my FREE 7-Day Belly Dance Jumpstart here and make this the year you learn to belly dance. 💃🏻