Acapella Finger Cymbal Technique and Combination – “Flip Riff” – Part 1
Hey, there zill star!
The finger cymbals are an ancient instrument with a time-honored connection to Bellydance. While they have been used by dancers to accompany their dance with music for many years, did you know they can also be used without music as well?
Playing the zills acapella is awesomely empowering and allows you to literally create the music that you dance to!
In this tutorial, I will take you through some acapella finger cymbal basics and help you build an fabulous combination – The Flip Riff.
Watch out for the second video in this series where I will teach you the dance movements to beautifully accompany this fantastic pattern! 
If you enjoyed this video I invite you to continue your finger cybmal journey with my FREE finger cymbal jumpstart designed to give you the solid foundation that you need for total raq star zilling! You can find it at