“The Beladi Run” – Belly Dance Finger Cymbal Combo Tutorial Part 2
Well hey there zillstar! Welcome to part 2 of a fabulous finger cymbal tutorial – “The Beladi Run”!
This one is jam-packed with so much goodness that I am delivering it to you over two different tutorials.
This video is part 2 of the two-part series. So be sure to check out the first video to learn the zill pattern and the dance combination we will be using in this video:
In this video I’ll be showing you how to put these two pieces of the puzzle together in a straight-forward, step-by-step way that will have you dancing and playing in no time!
Feel free to take this riff and make it work for you! (For example, you can slow me down – or speed me up – using the gear at the bottom of the video.) It’s all about finding your unique expression with those fabulous little instruments on the ends of your fingers.
Let’s dive in and make some music!
If you enjoy this kind of step-by-step zill learning, you totally must join me for the The 2023 Zill Challenge – A 10-Day Finger Cymbal Learning Adventure!
Registration is open now and the challenge begins on May 15! Join me for ten days of on-demand tutorials, Facebook live Q&A’s, community and prizes!
Extra special thanks Samer Issa and Bahaia for the music used in this video. It is “Sharuk Cheeky Mix” from Ya Bahaia Vol.2: Belly Dance Training Companion
Love this zills I am playing? They are the Saroyan Tuts in Brass
Get your very own set here: SahiraBellyDances.com/SaroyanCymbals