What the heck does spaghetti have to do with your next choreography?

Have you ever tried to create your own choreography?


If you are like most dancers, at some point in your studies you’ve gotten the idea that creating a choreography for yourself would be so very awesome. I mean, while learning someone else’s dance is fun and educational, there is nothing quite like making YOUR OWN dance that reflects your style and personality, right?

If only it were so easy.

I tried creating my first choeography around one year into my belly dance journey. I had learned two chroeographies from my teachers and had so much fun dancing them with the other people in my class, but I was itching to put something together to music I loved with my favorite movements. (If you’re curious, it was a Madonna song! 😆)

So I put on the song and tried to dance to it. I tried over and over and over.

And after three months (and about 20 seconds of choreography finished), I gave up!


There are many different ways to approach creating choreography, and a sucessful choreographer has more than one approach in their pocket. Part of the problem I experienced in my first choreographic adventure was that I approached the whole thing only ONE way – a method I now affectionately call “The Spaghetti Method”.


In today’s video I am going to give you a breakdown of this method and actually walk with you through the process step by step. You’ll experience how to use this fun and creative method in the most enjoyable and effective way to help you get moving to create your own unique and dynamic choreography. I’ll also share with you a couple of reasons why this approach needs to be supported by other choreographic methods in order to create fabulous choreographies in the long run.


I never did finish that Madonna choreography, but the Spaghetti Method would become the foundation for the over one hundred choreographies I have created since then. It’s a wonderful and playful way to get your next choreography started. So dive in and learn it with me here.




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One comment

  • Joanne Gulson March 17, 2022   Reply →

    Love this thank you Sahira…….💃❤️. I’m just starting to feel my way….persistance is my motto….

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