Acapella Zill Performance – TribalRev 2018

Just a girl and her zills…

The finger cymbals are an amazing instrument capable of so much more than we usually give them credit for. And when a dancer chooses to use them as her only source of music… well then magic can happen!

Imagine being in control of the musical and dance experience and using one to inspire the other exactly the way you want it to be. You can play with tempo, texture, rhythm and emotion… all with those little discs on the ends of your fingers.

Here’s me goofing off with my favorite Saroyan finger cymbals at TribalRev 2018 in Chicago, IL. I tried my hand at a little comedy at the opening…not sure if I’m funny(what do you think?) – but I sure had a fun time on that stage!

Listen for my 4 year old daughter totally cracking up at 2:15…it’s my favorite part of the entire performance!



Are you a belly dancer looking to play the finger cymbals more confidently and creatively?

Great finger cymbal playing doesn’t require you to know a bunch of different rhythms or have some magical music gene. But if you are ready to rock your zills you do need to STOP making these three common mistakes.

I invite you to join me for my FREE masterclass : Three Finger Cymbal Mistakes Many Belly Dancers Make and What You Can Do Instead to Play Your Zills More Confidently Today.

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