Advanced Belly Dance Acapella Finger Cymbal Tutorial – Running 5s

Let’s dance to the beat of our own drum with this fun and funky acapella finger cymbal riff!

This pattern is built mostly on a “5” pattern – five 16th note strokes of the cymbals in a row. We’ll be doing 4 of them and I think you’ll find that the feel of the rhythm is pretty groovy and unique.

The running 5s are counted:

1e&a2 &a3e& 4e&a1 &a2e&

And then we’ll add three emphatic clacks at the end!

3 & 4

In this video I will take you through the pattern step-by-step with special attention given to the counts so you can feel the beat in your body. We will play with two different cymbal and sounds and then DANCE to the beat of our own drum with a few simple and fun belly dance movements to complete the combination!

Are you ready? Grab your finger cymbals and let’s dive in!

In this video I am playing some of my favorite finger cymbals – The Saroyan Afghani’s in Silver. Get your very own pair here .



Do you enjoy this kind of finger cymbal challenge? Then check out my signature membership “The Belly Dance Journey”, where you can dive deep with me every month into the wonderful world of zills with intermediate and advanced finger cymbal sounds, patterns, riffs and combinations.

The membership opens just twice a year, so get on the waitlist now so you are the first to know when it opens again!

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