Learn the two most popular Belly Dance Shimmies! The Egyptian Shimmy vs The Hip Shimmy
This tutorial is going to give you exactly what you need to execute the two most popular Bellydance shimmies cleanly, correctly and safely.
In this video we are talking about the Egyptian Shimmy and the Hip Shimmy.
Are you ready?
I’m going to show you the technique behind each as well as help you understand how these shimmies should feel in your body.
We will talk about knee safety in the execution as well as finding the most comfortable place to create these shimmies with confidence and grace.
Once you have all the technique under your belt, we will drill both shimmies with music to help you set them into muscle memory!
Are you ready to expand your belly dance shimmy repertoire? Join me for my FREE online course “5 Fabulous Shimmies Every Bellydancer Should Know” and increase your shimmy knowledge today!
Special thanks to Miss Thea for the use of her amazing music in this tutorial. The title of this song is “Short Belly Dance Drum Finale”. You can find her music online at missthea.bandcamp.com