Intermediate/Advanced Layering Drill – Ommi and Chommi
Layering more than one movement together is a hallmark of great belly dance and a fabulous intermediate/advanced technique challenge.
So let’s layer, shall we?
In today’s tutorial I will walk you through both the ommi of the hips and the chommi in the chest so you have all the technique you need to create this super gooey and challenging belly dance layering movement.
Sometimes called “The Corkscrew” when put together, I am going to take you step by step through how you layer the hips and chest together to create the most luscious and smooth version of this gorgeous layer.
I will also give you a few tips on what you need to do in order to make your belly dance layers easier to accomplish.
Then we will drill the movement to music and have some fun!
Special thank to the amazing Miss Thea for the use of her amazing music! This track is “Hourglass” from her album “Dreams of Egypt”. Learn more about her and support her awesome music here: