Creating Dance Choreography – Working with Tempo versus Melody

Hey there fabulous dancer! Would you like to learn how to create your own unique and dynamic dance choreography?

There are many aspects of the music that you can use when creating choreography. Tempo and melody are two of the most popular.

In this video I am going to walk you though how to utilize both the tempo and the melody when creating choreography.


⓵ Dancing to the Tempo

When you choreograph and dance to the tempo you are simply making sure that your movements are happening as fast or as slow as the music is going. It’s the simplest way to choreograph and one of the most common ways we dance to music. Choreographing to the tempo runs the risk of looking detached from the music if you are not mindful, though – so always listen to the music!


⓶ Dancing to the Melody

When you choreograph to the melody you are using the primary instrument or voice and allowing that to move your body. This method tends to create slower and smoother movements, but not always! Dancing to the melody is a great way to draw out this line to your audience.

The best choreography utilizes a combination of these approaches, as well as movement to the rhythm and countermelody too!

Want a side by side comparison of how tempo and melody can be used in your dance? Check out this video I made on social media doing just that!



While you are there be sure to like the video and follow me!


But what I want to know from YOU is – what do you tend to dance to the most? Tempo? Melody? Something else? Post below and let your voice be heard!



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