I am so excited that you have joined me for this game-changing finger cymbal jumpstart!

Be sure to check your email for me at so you receive each tutorial and bonus content as we move through this experience together. 



No finger cymbals? No problem! 

I’ve got you covered.

Visit my friends at Saroyan Mastercrafts and get a pair of the best finger cymbals on the planet! I highly recommend the Arabesques or the Nefertitis if you are just getting started.  


Let’s begin your zill adventure now!


The Finger Cymbal Jumpstart

The foundation you need to become a confident, rockstar ziller.


Finger cymbals are an ancient instrument with huge historical ties to belly dance. Every serious belly dancer should learn to play them.

But learning to play and dance with finger cymbals can feel like a daunting task… which is why I created this free course to get you started on a successful zill journey.


In this jumpstart you will learn to

  • Successfully sew elastics on your zills without drawing blood
  • Wear your zills for maximum success
  • Make the foundational sound needed for fabulous zill work
  • Walk and zill at the same time
  • Play a combination on your cymbals…and dance with it too! 

What’s needed to make you a confident, kick-butt ziller is not natural ability or some mysterious rhythm gene. What you need is clear and concise guidance as to how to play those shiny things on your fingers while you dance.

That is exactly where this course comes in.

Once you get these basics under your fingers, the zilling world is your oyster and you can begin to learn basic patterns, coordinate zills with your dancing and more.



Welcome to the zillicious party! I am so glad you are here!




Sewing the Elastic


The Basic Stroke


Patterns and Moving with the Beat


Let’s put it all together






Congratulations! You are now ready for a complete course designed to take these awesome new zill skills to the next level!

I invite you to join “Fabulous Finger Cymbal Essentials”the clearest step-by-step program for learning to understand, play and love the finger cymbals!


Click on the link below to learn all about this zillicious game-changing program and redeem your ZillStar alumni discount!



Be a Fabulous Finger Cymbalist Today!