Day 7 –  Putting It All Together


Congratulations – you did it!!


You are well on your way to learning how to belly dance!

With these movements under your hip belt you are now ready to graduate onto more complex

and exciting movements and combinations!


What's the next step?




You are now ready for a complete 8-week belly dance course designed to give you even more confidence, grace and health while teaching you the most exciting and iconic belly dance movements!

I invite you to join the “The Belly Dance Technique Toolkit”


As a thank you for being a part of this Jumpstart I would like to offer you a discount when you join me. When you are ready, use the link below to get a special discount on the course.


Get The Belly Dance Technique Toolkit 



But we’re not done yet! There’s still one more video left
in our jumpstart and you can dive into it today here.



The music in this video is “Ya Bahaia : Lesson 2” from the album Ya Bahaia vol. 2 by Samer Issa


All seven days of videos are now yours – so you can continue to practice and move with me as much as you’d like.
So please continue the good habits you’ve created over the past seven days.



I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of your dance practice.
It’s been my honor to dance with you these past seven days and
I look forward to sharing the dance floor with you very soon!


Warm Up


Day 1 Video: Weighted Hip Lifts


Day 2 Video: The Chest Circle


Day 3 Video: Undulation


Day 4 Video: Hip Circle


Day 5 Video: The Step Touch


Day 6 Video: Figure 8 Hips


Cool Down

Music graciously provided by the amazing Miss Thea. 
Get her album “Siren’s Dream” for your belly dance practice at her BandCamp store!