Sahira Acapella Zill Performance “Nothing Without The Other”

I was recently invited to perform at a beautiful theatrical event here in Houston. The show, entitled “Nothing Without the Other” explored the intimate and deep connection between music and dance – the idea, as the organizer explained to me, “that dancing and music go hand in hand and one doesn’t function without the other.”

She asked me if I would create an acapella zill piece for the occasion. Of course I jumped at the chance.

While music is often the inspiration for dance and the two are most certainly inextricably linked, in the ancient art of Middle Eastern dance the musicians, dancer and audience all come together to create an ecstatic experience known as “tarab”. The music moves the dancer, who in turn moves the musicians, who are themselves being listened to and encouraged by the audience… It is all energy flowing in multiple directions that creates the beauty of the art form.

But what happens when the dancer and the musician are one and the same? This is exactly the question I have been exploring as of late and here is where I have arrived so far.

The finger cymbals are an ancient instrument linked to belly dance. They are often played by the dancer as she performs to live or recorded music, though many large musical ensembles in the Middle East today have a dedicated cymbal player, so often the dancer will not play.

In this improvised piece I’d like to share with you today I take turns leading with the music and leading with the dance until it all becomes a blurred line of flow and instantaneous inspiration.

I hope you enjoy!


Are you ready to start your finger cymbal journey and get the solid foundation you need to become the Zill Star you are meant to be?

Join me for my free finger cymbal jumpstart here:

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