Finding authenticity in your dance

I am thrilled to bring to you today and interview with Alyssum Pohl. She is an authenticy coach and the founder of “Awaken Authenticity”, a business she created to help others show up in the world “unfettered and fulfilled.” She also happens to be a belly dance performer, instructor and… a clown!


In this interview she explains how the art of clowning works (spoiler – there are A LOT of similarities to belly dance!) as well as how you can begin to uncover your authentic self in your life and in your dance. We touch on some heavier topics including perfectionism and stage fright, and Alyssum has some fantastic advice and tips for dancers of all levels who are looking to freely express who they are on stage.


What is the message you wish to spread with your dance?

When do you feel most alive and free?


The idea of authenticity and an exploration of what that means to you is a valuable pursuit no matter where you are in your dance journey, and I think you will discover some intriguing and actionable ideas that can help you find a new way to approach your dance.


So please join me for this special interview! Be sure to stick around until the end to see exactly how Alyssum combines her dance with her clowning experience in a way that is truly authentic for her.


Learn more about Alyssum:


Alyssum’s Eclectic Asylum:

Instagram: @awakenauthenticity

Study with Alyssum:


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  • Eileen M Keyes January 15, 2021   Reply →

    Thank you so much! I just forwarded this wonderful interview to my dance bestie. We are older, sort-of hobby dancers; until Covid, have performed for birthdays and local coffee houses and street fairs, etc for a number of years. She and I have discussed these types of ideas, but not quite so deeply. This discussion was like pure clear water in a flowing stream to a thirsty hiker. Fresh and real and satisfying. Some dancers I’ve seen, even rather famous ones, might have perfect technique, but seem mechanical and thus uninteresting because their performances are soulless. I can’t remember who, but a famous belly dancer’s comment rings true to the core. She said “They don’t come to see you dance. They come to see your soul.” I can’t dance without being me. I let the music in and pass it back out to whoever is watching, making the music visible through my body. Connecting with others is the essence of it. You can’t be afraid to do that. You have to say “Here I am.” Dance is my joy of joys.

    • sahiracc January 17, 2021   Reply →


      I appreciate your words so much. I am glad that this conversation resonated with you… I feel like it is a conversation that is so important for us to have as dancers and truly, as human beings as well. I am thrilled to know that Dance has formed such a beautiful part of your life and helps you find your authentic self.

      I love the quote you shared. I’m inspired by it – Thank You!

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