About the Hybrid Real Time Intensive Format


Are you tired of spending money on an online class just to have it slip to the back burner when life gets busy?

Are you done making investments that you don’t have the incentive to complete?

Do you enjoy the online course format but miss the personal interaction and ability to ask questions as you work through the material?

Me too! And I’ve designed this new online intensive to address all of these issues.

This online real-time format is designed with the “flipped classroom” methodology being used in many top universities and institutes of learning. Within the course I will be offering the recorded content at the beginning of each week for you to work through and review as many times as you would like. At the end of each the week we will have a 30-45 minute live class on Zoom to work through questions and dance the material together.

The online real-time format also not only ensures that you will take the time to access and actually use the course you’ve purchased but it will also give you the opportunity to dive deeper with me by your side as you learn.

The end result? An online course that you’ve actually used and done on time!


Week one will be open to you upon registration. You will have one week to work through the material as many times as you’d like before we meet for class at the end of the week. Week one will then be removed and week two will come online. At the end of the second week we will meet for review and questions, then week two will be taken off-line and week three will be released. One week after week three is released, we will meet for class and questions and then week 3 will be taken down and week four will become available. (See the pattern?)

If you are anything like me, having a deadline keeps you on task and moving! Using this format you will have the incentive each week to work through the material, since it won’t be around forever. The hybrid recorded/live flipped classroom system will give you the opportunity to take your time working through the combinations so you can ask the specific questions you need to succeed when we meet live.

I would love to have you join me for this special online hybrid intensive course! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask!



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