Top 10 Moves That Every Belly Dance Must Know – The Undulation





Welcome to another video in the “Top 10 Moves That Every Belly Dancer Must Know” series!


In this video we are exploring one of belly dance’s most quintessential movements so you can learn to belly dance gracefully and confidently, knowing that you are creating and executing the movements safely and beautifully.


Today we are exploring the Forward Undulation. A gorgeously gooey movement, the undulation is a snaky movement of the spine from the chest down to the pelvis.


I will take you through the foundational isolations you need to create this movement and explain the muscles you’ll use to drive them. Then we will put those isolations together to create this gorgeous movement, drill it with some layers and variations and then dance it with music.


So are you ready to belly dance?

Let’s do it!


If you like this movement tutorial you are going to LOVE the FREE 7-Day Belly Dance Jumpstart – 7 days of belly dance tutorials designed to help discover health, movement, joy and creativity while learning a few of the most important belly dance movements! Join the fun here:



A huge THANK YOU to the fabulous Miss Thea for the use of her music in this video. You can get her fabulous music for yourself here on Band Camp:

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