We practiced with the recoding for three months and then danced to the music LIVE!!! 🤯

For some dancers, it’s an absolute dream come true.
For others it makes them break out in a serious sweat.
I’m talking about dancing to live music.
Belly dance at its core is an improvisational art form that historically was (obviously) always done to live music. The music and the dance were created in the moment, and often there was very little advanced coordination between dancer and musician before getting out onto the stage.
Becoming comfortable improvising to live music is a journey that can take a dancer many years to accomplish.
This amazing opportunity allowed me to give my students a very unique stepping stone towards finding joy and confidence dancing to live music and creating in the moment.
This performance is from Go Live, and amazing dance festival in San Antonio, Texas. Here my dancers and I had the opportunity to share the stage with the incredible Georges Lammam ensemble.
What made this performance particularly special was that we were allowed to choose a song to dance to months in advance of the performance. We practiced and choreographed and practiced diligently for three months leading up to this moment.
But as you know, the live rendition of a song rarely sounds like its recording, (nor should it, really)! Georges and the ensemble were incredibly gracious in working with us, and even we even had the opportunity for a quick rehearsal with them the evening before… What a luxury!
And here is what happened when we took to the stage with them, live and totally in the moment.

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  • irit June 6, 2024   Reply →

    Beautifully done, ladies!!!! I enjoyed every minute!

  • Ann Salomon June 6, 2024   Reply →

    💗👸🎶 You were all amazing! It’s such a unique experience to feel the (literal) vibrations of the instruments zoom around inside every capillary, and all of you seemed to be transformed by dancing to a live group, in the best way!

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