Learn to improvise on your finger cymbals with this creative “Zill Call and Response” game!


Let’s have a conversation together… without uttering a single word!

Today we are playing a super-fun game that is a time-honored tradition in the music world – Trading 4s! Think of it as part “Simon Says” and part “Telephone Game”. I’ll play a short pattern or riff on my cymbals and you will answer back!

There are several fun ways to play with this and make it your own –
* You can repeat back exactly what I play (with a single sound or with the sounds I use)
* You can change up the sounds
* You can use my riff as inspiration and create something different in response!
* Feel free to take inspiration from any kind of music you enjoy.

And don’t forget to have fun!

These ideas are a fabulous springboard to creating your own zill improvisation… so keep playing with the concepts until you feel comfortable changing them up to make them your own!

Post a practice video and tag me on social media at @SahiraBellyDances so I can cheer you on!


Get ready for the most game-changing finger cymbal challenge in the world! Put the PLAY back in your finger cymbal practice and become the zillstar you are meant to be!

The Annual 10-day Zill Challenge opens for registration on May 1st and the adventure begins on May 14th.

Register here: http://TheZillChallenge.com

Love this zills I am playing? They are Saroyan Mastercraft’s Turkish Delights in silver. Get your own set at http://SahiraBellyDances.com/SaroyanCymbals

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