Sahira Featured in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai by Jatin-Lalit (J. Ashar Cover) Video


Are you a fan of Bollywood movies?

I absolutely LOVE them! The music, the dancing, the drama and colors and pageantry – it’s all so very decadent! I would love my life to be more like a Bollywood film. (Gotta work on figuring out how to make that happen.)

I had not seen Kuch Kuch Hota Hai when I was approached by my friend and fellow creator J. Ashar a few years ago to create a music video in honor of the 20th anniversary, but I always have such a great time working with him that I said yes to his wacky idea right away.

While I’ve spent my entire life in the theater, playing roles from Marian in The Music Man to the Cabbage in my high school PSA play against drug use, and have danced for over two decades in so many different scenarios, I had never been asked to do this on stage before. I tried hard not to giggle too much, but I may have lost it just once or twice. (Can you see it in the video?)

A huge thank you to J. Ashar for inviting me to be a part of this special project. Enjoy!

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