The Importance of Emotion & Theatricality and How to Practice Them

Today I would love to chat with you about a topic that is incredibly important but often under-emphasized in traditional belly dance classes. It’s a concept that can make or break a performance and truly takes the dance from good to potentially transcendent.

I’m talking about EMOTION.

We spend a lot of time working on technique in our practice… and with good reason! A solid handle of our dance technique gives us many of the tools we use to express ourselves on the dance floor.


But I’m here to tell you that technique is only one small piece of the puzzle in a spectacular belly dance performance. Emotion and feeling is the universal language that will truly create an impact.


When you can convey emotions through your dance you create performances that are not just memorable but deeply moving.



Today I’d like to share with you a podcast episode from The Belly Dance Bundle’s podcast Yallah Raqs where I talk about this very concept. Inside the episode I share my theories about why we tend not to practice this aspect of our dance as often, and give you some concrete steps you can take to add these subjects into your regular practice.

Because if you don’t work on it in practice, it’s not magically come out in performance.

So let’s get emotional, shall we?

And once you’re inspired by what you learn inside the episode, I invite you to head over to the #21DaysofBellyDance Challenge on Instagram and try it out for yourself!



Yallah Raqs The Bellydance Practice Podcast

Emotion & Theatricality with Sahira

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